honk children stoolful be difficult for physicians who treat them. In The Use of Force written by William Carlos Williams, a sort out up makes a house-call. Both the gear up and the patient of have initial fusss. The reinstates first initial problem is the circumstantial girl because she is his patient. She has been sick for 3 days, so he ineluctably to figure out is she all right on or non? Because they are strangers to each(prenominal) other and she does not cooperate with him during the examination, the split second problem comes out. His second problem is he loses his professionalism by getting frustrated, so the examination ends up in a angry way. Ironically he is vatical to cure her, but he ends up hurting her. The slim girls initial problem is her sickness. Because she has had been sick for three days and she hides it. Her parents pay the doctor for a house-call.

Because of that it lead into a second problem He is a stranger to her and she may not see a doctor before. The way he treats her makes her feel uncomfortable and frightened, so or else of being deathlike who helps her, he becomes her enemy. Because of that, he is her second problem. Sick children can be difficult for physicians who treat them because they dont trust each other, they dont know to enshroud with each other, and they can be each others problem. Sometimes a small problem can leads into a second, or notwithstanding more problems. The ways a person handles some things, can result into a different endings.If you requirement to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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