Tuesday, January 28, 2014

High Culture in the Age of the City

I.         High Culture in the Age of the City a.         In the early nineteenth century, approximately cultural activity attracted volume of widely varying backgrounds and targeted people of all classes. b.         By the latish 19th century, elites were developing a cultural and gifted livelihood quite separate from the popular amusements of the urban masses. A.         The literature of the urban America a.         Critics claimed that American life, despite it glittering surface, was essentially acquisitive, and corrupt, with teeny cultural depth. b.         One of the strongest impulses in late nineteenth and early-twentieth-century, is that American Literature was the effort to re-create urban social reality. i.         Stephen genus Grus, who although rung out known for his novel of Civil War, the Red mark of Courage, Crane a created a sensation in 1893 when he published M aggie. A girl of the streets. c.         Other critics of American lodge responded to the sweet civilization not by attacking it, that by withdrawing from it. B.         Art in the Age of the City a.         American contrivance through most of the 10th century had been overshadowed by the stratagem of Europe. b.         In 1900, a number of American artists, although stony-broke from the former(a) World traditions and experimented with new ideas. i.         Winslow Homer was vigorously American in his paintings of New England maritime life and other native subjects. c.          food waste can school produced work starlings in it naturalism and unfinished in its portrayed of social realities of the era. i.         John Sloan portrayed the blandness of American urban slums. ii.         The Ashcan artists were also among the first Americans to notify expressionism and s timulus generalization; they showed their in! terest in new forms in 1913 when they helped stage the historied and controversial Armory Show. C.         The impact of Darwinism a.         The most profound intellectual development in the late 19th century was the general acceptance of... If you want to get a full essay, inn it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com

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